Mrs. McGregor's Multi-Age Classroom

1st-2nd grade

McCook Central Elementary    Salem and Spencer, SD

“If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”- Ignacio Estrada

Aug/Sept Happenings

October Happenings

November Happenings



Interactive Web Sites

RenPlace Testing- AR quizzes




Our Classmates

Our Teacher

Classroom Wiki

December Happenings

January Happenings

February Happenings

Mystery Readers

Weekly Newsletter

Daily Schedule

McCook Central Homepage

Check Grades--DDN 

March Happenings

April Happenings

May Happenings

Reading Incentives

book report form

chapter book report form


Word Wall Words

Guided Reading

SD Content Standards

Classroom Pictures 08-09

Classroom Pictures 07-08


School Calendar 09-10

Lunch Menu

page updated on Sept. 4, 2009