small pencil box to hold supplies 1 two-pocket folder
6 pencils 2 Wide ruled spiral notebooks (70 page)
pink or white eraser 1- three ring binder- 1 inch in size
large bottle Elmer's glue (White only) 1 large box Kleenex
scissors book bag
24 count crayons (no more than 24 please)
addition and subtraction flashcards ----(be sure the facts go to 10+10 or higher; some packets of flashcards only include facts up to 6+6)
Wish List
These are items we will be using in the classroom throughout the year. Any donations would be appreciated but not expected.
-Ziploc baggies- gallon and quart sizes
Thank you for all the Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer. We should be set for a good portion of our year! Thank you parents!