Welcome Back to School!!

August 17th- 6:30pm- Elementary Open House

Tuesday, August 25th-1st Day of Classes- 8:15am start time- dismissal is 3:20pm

Monday, September 7th- No School- Labor Day

Friday, Sept. 11th- Homecoming Parade 1:30 pm- Rock-n-Roll Theme- dismissal immediately following parade- parent pick up at the classroom or students will be sent home according to the normal dismissal routine



My Family and I




August 25


August 26


August 27


August 28

  • discuss how spelling works-label notebooks
  • make spelling magnets
  • pretesting
  • pretesting
  • pretesting
  • finish pretesting
  • pick spelling words for next week- short a words
Spelling Stations  
  • Computers-starfall
  • SMARTboard-notebook software
  • Hangman-board game
  • Boggle Jr.
  • Computers-starfall
  • SMARTboard-notebook software
  • Hangman-board game
  • Boggle Jr.
  • Computers-starfall
  • SMARTboard-notebook software
  • Hangman-board game
  • Boggle Jr.
  • Computers-starfall
  • SMARTboard-notebook software
  • Hangman-board game
  • Boggle Jr.
Word Work/Phonics     review of short vowels

closed words and open words

(cat, dog, pan, rat, hi, so, go, me)

open and closed words- labeling words- marker boards open and closed words-marker boards and worksheet
Poetry & Fluency Work  
  • I'm Me poem

(no fluency folders this week)

  • I'm Me poem
  • I'm Me poem
  • I'm Me poem
Story Time   I Like Me by Nancy Carlson


Even Steven and Odd Todd by Kathryn Cristaldi

Even Steven and Odd Todd by Kathryn Cristaldi: Book Cover

I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont

I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont: Book Cover

The Tale of Pip & Squeak by Kate Duke

The Tale of Pip & Squeak

Reading   Pass out reading books

pre-assessment of 'youngers'-sight words

olders- dolch checklist

partner reading time

con't with assessments

independent reading time

con't with assessments

group reading

con't with assessments

English   interactive writing- getting to know one another interactive writing- getting to know one another interactive writing- getting to know one another interactive writing- getting to know one another
Math Centers  
  • Tall Towers
  • Hot Dog
  • Penny Power
  • Speed
  • Tall Towers
  • Hot Dog
  • Penny Power
  • Speed
  • Odd Ball
  • Free Choice
Creative Writing  
  • Get to know one another- circle time- 2 things really good at, 1 thing want to learn/do better, 2 more things really good at
  • I'm So Smart writing activity- cut pieces and assemble-(see word doc)
  • review what was discussed yesterday- Writing- I'm So Smart. . .
  • Glue onto big piece from yesterday
  • Finish writing activity by adding them to wikispaces page


  • finish adding to wikispaces- I'm So Smart sentences
  • Making Lists- Likes and Dislikes
  • Complete the Look at Me book or About Me custom mini book online
Math Geometry:


Number Sense:

Odd and Even- group work

Odd Ball game board

Ages of myself and family- odd or even?


intro/review plus sign and equal sign

simple addition practices

dice game-dice within dice- roll and add-  circle the answer if even, box answer if odd


nonstandard measurement- how tall am I?

inches and feet

graphing- height of the class

Probability & Statistics:

graphing- seasonal birthday graph- make a graph for class birthdays


Social Studies       My Family- discussions  
Specials:  9:15-9:35 Keyboarding

1:00-1:30- Music

10:15-10:45 PE

2:40-3:10 Art


1:00-1:30 Music

10:15-10:45 PE


10:00-10:30 Computers

1:30-2:00- Library





August 31


September 1


September 2


September 3


September 4

Spelling words with short a words with short a words with short a words with short a words with short a
Spelling Stations
  • beads
  • letter tiles
  • smartboard-fridge magnets
  • computers- microsoft word
  • beads
  • letter tiles
  • smartboard-fridge magnets
  • computers- microsoft word
  • beads
  • letter tiles
  • smartboard-fridge magnets
  • computers- microsoft word
  • beads
  • letter tiles
  • smartboard-fridge magnets
  • computers- microsoft word
  • beads
  • letter tiles
  • smartboard-fridge magnets
  • computers- microsoft word
Word Work/Phonics making words- short a lesson #1 p.9


making words-short a- lesson #2 p.10 making words- p.9 review making words- p.10 review 10 minute word test- write as many words as you can- words need to be spelled correctly
Poetry & Fluency Work I'm Me poem- finding rhyming words and sight words

illustrate & add to binder

intro.  I'm the Single Most Wonderful Person I Know by Jack Prelutsky I'm the Single Most Wonderful Person I Know by Jack Prelutsky I'm the Single Most Wonderful Person I Know by Jack Prelutsky I'm the Single Most Wonderful Person I Know by Jack Prelutsky

illustrate & add to binder

Story Time The Berenstain Bears' Trouble at School by Stan and Jan Berenstain

Commotion in the Ocean

Commotion in the Ocean

Gilbert the Great

by Jane Clarke and Charles Fuge

Gilbert the Great by Charles Fuge: Book Cover

Clumsy Crab

by Ruth Galloway

Cover Image

Over the Ocean in a Coral Reef

by Marianne Berkes

Cover Image

Reading Reading for detail-- Eggspert

Fluency Sheets- partner read

begin filling fluency folders with books

Reading Strategies- What are they?  -star sheet

fluency folders

stories from textbooks

Review reading strategies.  Send a copy home for parents to read.

Reading Strategies- Plinko

fluency folders

stories from textbooks


fluency folders

stories from textbooks


fluency folders

stories from textbooks


English ABC order ABC order ABC order


ABC order

Noun Baseball

ABC order

Noun Wordles

Math Centers

 Going Fishing-adding two numbers

Color Caper-counting

 free choice

Numberville- odd and even review

Watch Out Addition- adding two numbers

Addition and Subtraction board games- baseball, soccer, basketball, football

Creative Writing

focus: organization of ideas

interactive writing- adding details- hamburger writing

interactive writing- editing  

independent work:  My Family

review organization graphic organizer

 con't to work on My Family stories

interactive writing- brainstorming ideas using zig-zag graphic organizer independent work:  brainstorm own list using zig-zag organizer Topic:  ocean animals
Math Geometry:

making shapes out of different shapes- using 3 triangles make other shapes



Number Sense:

more odd and even- snap cubes & colored tiles-blue and yellow- sheet

assignment:  odd or even?  worksheet

  • commutative property posters
  • writing related facts using dice
  • writing fact families using dice



  •  nonstandard measurement
  • inches
Probability & Statistics:
  • Two-Dice Sums Game- use Two-Dice Sums Grid
  • Write explanation of what you learned by playing this game. What is possible? What is impossible?
Science     animals of the ocean- explore and learn facts   intro to solids, liquids, gas

con't with animals discussions

Social Studies oceans and continents     worksheet- oceans and continents  
Specials:  9:15-9:35 Keyboarding

1:00-1:30- Music

10:15-10:45 PE

2:40-3:10 Art


1:00-1:30 Music

10:15-10:45 PE


10:00-10:30 Computers

1:30-2:00- Library





September 7

No School-Labor Day


September 8


September 9


September 10


September 11

1:30 Homecoming Parade

Spelling   Words with short a Words with short a Words with short a pick short i words for next week
Spelling Stations  
  • mystery writing
  • dots
  • Computers: spelling city
  • pyramid writing
  • mystery writing
  • dots
  • Computers: spelling city
  • pyramid writing
  • mystery writing
  • dots
  • Computers: spelling city
  • pyramid writing
  • mystery writing
  • dots
  • Computers: spelling city
  • pyramid writing
Word Work/Phonics   closed and open review making words-short a review labeling and sorting words- open or closed? ten minute word test
Poetry & Fluency Work   Things I Want to Know Things I Want to Know Things I Want to Know Things I Want to Know
Story Time  


Smiley Shark

by Ruth Galloway

Cover Image

Big Shark's Lost Tooth

by Steve Metzger

Big Shark's Lost Tooth

Baby Dolphin At Home in the Ocean

by Sarah Toast

Baby Dolphin At Home in the Ocean (A Leap Frog Nature Book) by Sarah Toast

A Dolphin Is Not a Fish by Betsey Chessen Dolphin Is Not A Fish (Emergent Readers) by Betsey Chessen

Sharks by Melvin and Gilda Berger


English   common and proper nouns      
Math Centers  

Odd Ball

Making 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 card game/board game

Making 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 card game/board game see math lesson below Sums to 12 dice game
Creative Writing          no class-parade
Math Geometry:


Number Sense:

100's board- greater than, less than, ten more, ten less

shading in number activity


commutative property review

T Charts

Fact Families



measuring to the nearest inch, 1/2 inch, 1/4 inch, and 3/4 inch


Probability & Statistics:

sums to twelve dice game- Which one will fill first?  What is possible? What is impossible?


Science     making oceans lab with pop/water bottles

Do liquids always mix?

    parade-no science class
Social Studies equator, prime meridian, north pole, south pole     map reading worksheet- north, south, east, west  
Specials:  9:15-9:35 Keyboarding

1:00-1:30- Music

10:15-10:45 PE

2:40-3:10 Art


1:00-1:30 Music

10:15-10:45 PE


10:00-10:30 Computers

1:30-2:00- Library





September 14


September 15


September 16


September 17


September 18

Spelling Stations          
Word Work/Phonics          
Poetry & Fluency Work          
Story Time  


Math Centers          
Creative Writing          
Math Geometry:

tangrams-- visual thinking


Number Sense: Algebra:


Measurement: Probability & Statistics:



Science     mixing liquids lab   review of solids, liquids, gas
Social Studies          
Specials:  9:15-9:35 Keyboarding

1:00-1:30- Music

10:15-10:45 PE

2:40-3:10 Art


1:00-1:30 Music

10:15-10:45 PE


10:00-10:30 Computers

1:30-2:00- Library





September 21


September 22


September 23


September 24


September 25

Spelling Stations          
Word Work/Phonics          
Poetry & Fluency Work          
Story Time  


Math Centers          
Creative Writing          
Math Geometry:


Number Sense: Algebra:


Measurement: Probability & Statistics:



Social Studies          
Specials:  9:15-9:35 Keyboarding

1:00-1:30- Music

10:15-10:45 PE

2:40-3:10 Art


1:00-1:30 Music

10:15-10:45 PE


10:00-10:30 Computers

1:30-2:00- Library