Math Centers |

Homecoming |

Math- # Sense lesson using the laptops! |

Write, Write, Write! |


making oceans in science |


When we grow up, we want to be...
-oral language activity |

surfer |

baseball players |

Monster Truck driver |

pop star and rockstar |

daycare provider |

cowgirls |

farmers |

vet |
Children's Theatre You Look
Marvelous |

5 multiagers got a part during auditions!!

Super performance multiagers!! |

Our Gallon Gals
measurement activity |

cups, pints, quarts, gallons- We know 'em! |

Our new
reading loft! |

Christmas Program |

Clouds in a jar? |

Santa visited us! |

Christmas craft at our party. |

Making triangles in math. |

Trying to beat the clock during show and tell! |

Read Across America Day 2008 |

Elementary Principal, Mr. Seamer, read to us |

The Cat in the Hat visited us! |