Mrs. McGregor

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got"

            Teaching Experience

2007-present   McCook Central Schools- multi-age

2004-2007    McCook Central Schools- 1st grade

1999-2004     Emery School District- 1st grade, title reading, special education


1999  BS -Elementary Education & Special Education- Dakota State University

1994  Montrose High School

Professional Development

-South Dakota Math Counts

-Master Teacher Academy- 21st Century Skills for Master Teachers

- National Conference on Differentiated Instruction in Las Vegas

 -Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI)

 -McRel- Classroom Instruction That Works

 -Advanced TTL


- 6+1 Writing Traits

  -AREA Reading

I have taken numerous other courses and workshops throughout the years. A lot of them are in reading, as that is my passion in my teaching.  My ultimate goal is to turn students into lifelong readers.


    My husband and I live on a farm.  We have two daughters, one son, lots of cows and John Deere's.  I enjoy running, reading, all sports, and family time at the lake.  I LOVE to teach little kids how to read!